Saturday, October 23, 2010

Catching up on a UKtick!

Hugh Harrop's photo of the bird that I dipped!

I left Shetland full of cold and a great deal miffed! on the Friday my biggest bogey bird had just been seen at Sumbrough Farm and it had been flushed or gone to roost when we reached the Hotel (having been thrilled to see my second only ever Red-flanked Bluetail at Goesetter)everyone else was happy to wait until the morning when they could see now I was due out on the 8.15am plane..."you will have time to go and see it before the plane"- oh no I was actually in a minibus on route to the airfield still in the dark at 7.00am

Sometimes people can be too effecient!

However a Pallas was seen in Norfolk and else where - then yes one in Sussex! I could go for this and an adult Rosy was also nearby!

Well I managed both - a uk tick and my first adult rosy! such pretty birds both!

The other highlight was passing 250 for the non year listing list!

Locally a Lapland Bunting was at Staines reservoirs....funny I thought I had seen lots of these on Shetland and Fair Isle - oh yes but this was a London tick - not that I have a London list!(something to do on a wet cold winter evening - see just what is on that list!) - or is that a Surrey tick? anyway i really dont care they are a lovely bird and it was local so a patch tick!

The twitching documentary that I might have been the time I decided to speak to the producers they had obviously found their token woman who went on some twitches!LOL! Well finally it is being shown on BBC4 on 1st November at 9pm (an hour)will record it.

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