Wednesday, March 12, 2008

This is Tulloch Moor.

How I wish I had been able to get into blogger while I was in Scotland and I could have done a daily blog - its so easy to post every day and not leave it until one returns!

We met a lovely working dog called Millie in the woods in Nethybridge. She came up to me carrying a large piece of pine which she had dug up or found! She was wearing her Save and Rescue gear (green and white) and had been working all the previous night in the Cairngorms where they were trying to find a man who was missing.
She was full of beans! Her owner rather tired!
Millie was up for fun and we had some!
It was a privilege to met both her owner and Millie!
Millie is a collie with one ear up and one ear down!

I did mean to keep a dog list but somehow it got forgotten!
But I do remember a Soft coated Wheaten terrier, a Weimeraner (sp?), a Labrador cross and something, who was a real gorgeous beast!
Cairns, Scotties and Westies as one would expect! Dachshunds and Labs and Retreviers.
Plenty of Heinze 57's and rescue dogs.

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