Thursday, March 16, 2006

Tuesday 14th March

I like enthusiasm, and today I was both at the receiving end and the giving!! What's the expression it is better to give than receive?
I'm a Governor of a local Primary School. I took part in the RSPB's Big Bird School Watch in January...and took out half a year group (Yr2's that 6/7 years old) it was part of their numeracy curriculum...well it aided that!!)So I felt I ought to return for the others as well!!
The birding went down so well with the first group I had comments from the parents and some of the children who took part wanted their friends to have a go.
Today was the day.....very cold again!!
I think I now have two teachers converted into beginner birders and hopefully the children will keep looking for birds and getting their id's right!!

In the Summer I think a trip to Barnes might be in order.....

The Nature field (called the New Ground) has a tatty hide and a pond....we are loking to raise monies / grants to do it more on this later!!

Top birds today? Wren, nice and showy, singing Robin,Goldfinches, Song Thrush, LTTits(lovely!!)and the usual RN Parakeets!! (17 species)

Big Bird School Watch (19 species)
(Top Bird Green Woodpecker!!)
Total 22 Species

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