Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Red crested Pochards

Well Monday arrived and after a bit of blogging andcatching up I was free to go out birding!
Destination? Stockers Lake! Well Bury Lake for the above and then a wander around Stockers for what ever could be found!

Bury Lake was first - must get those Red Crested pochards! There they were two pairs!

on to Bury Lake and what have we here lovely male Smew! Always a lovely duck!
Then Goosander! and yes its a pair! (Sounds like Valentines Day is about! LOL!)

Goldeneye s as well.

I go in search of Kingfisher ....and lol I dont believe it there is one! hooray and yes my luck must be in - I here a treecreeper...where is the little bird? after about 20 mins of searching...I think its going to be blocker for the beginning of the year!
So still no sighting of Treecreeper!
Those were the highlights!
If dipping can be a highlight!
So where to next - back to Barnes!

Cetti is the quarry and eventually after hearing one pops up and looks me in the eye...well actually no it doesn't really it popped up and I looked in its eye and it popped back down! lol.
Still with Chiffchaff as well its not a bad day!

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